Austrian evening at “Ohrid Summer” brought a memorable concert

Last night, as part of the Austrian Evening on the “Ohrid Summer” program, the Viennese quartet “Arpeggio” performed, and the exhibition titled “Calliope – Women in Society, Culture, and Science” was opened.

In the Saint Sophia church, art lovers had the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful concert by the exceptional artists. Opening the evening, Austrian Ambassador to Macedonia, Martin Pammer, compared Ohrid to Salzburg, saying it was a great honor to be part of a festival like “Ohrid Summer.”

-It is a great honor to give a speech at such a festival in this beautiful Ohrid, which is like Salzburg in Austria. Ohrid is your Salzburg. As an embassy, we rarely have the opportunity to be involved in cultural programs, but now the honor is immense. I would like to thank the artists who will perform tonight. They are all in Vienna but are international artists coming from various places around the world. I would also like to thank the organizers who first organized an exhibition about women in Austria, followed by this concert,said Ambassador Pammer

According to the festival’s director, Natasha Popović, the evenings held with the support of the embassies in the country enrich the program with top-notch artists and provide an opportunity for our outstanding artists to perform abroad.

– The cooperation with the embassies in our country is very important not only for ‘Ohrid Summer’ but also for culture in general, as it confirms our collaboration with the best artists, both our own and those coming from abroad. The artists from the countries whose embassies we cooperate with perform here, and our artists have performances in foreign countries. The ‘Ohrid Summer’ festival, as the largest music and stage event in Europe and beyond, is an excellent opportunity for artist exchange and cultural promotion,” said Popović.

The concert by the exceptional artists from the “Arpeggio” quartet, who performed together with harpist Tina Žerdin, was attended by the President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova.

Earlier, in the small exhibition hall of the “Grigor Prlichev” Cultural Center, the exhibition titled “Calliope – Women in Society, Culture, and Science” was displayed. The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Women’s Museum in the Austrian town of Hittisau in the Vorarlberg region promote the work and achievements of women from Austria worldwide. This exhibition was a reminder of how far women have advanced but also highlighted what still needs to be done to ensure equality.