Magical voice of tenor Machado resonated under the vaults of “Sveta Sofia”

The “Five Popular Songs” by composer Carlos López Buchardo, “Five Popular Argentinian Songs” by Alberto Ginastera, “Triptych of Cuban Poetry” by Modesta Bar, and the “Autumn Songs” by Antonio Estévez sounded magical with the beautiful voice of tenor Aquiles Machado, who performed last night at the church “Sveta Sofia” accompanied on piano by Macedonian pianist Andreja Naunov.

The concert was part of the traditional Spanish evening at the “Ohrid Summer” festival, organized with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain.

“We have been working with the ‘Ohrid Summer’ festival for many years, and it is a great pleasure to have a Spanish evening at such an internationally renowned festival. This year, the program showcased a blend of Latin American and Spanish culture,” said Ana Gracia Gallego, Deputy Ambassador at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Macedonia.

Born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, tenor Machado began his music studies at the “Vicente Emilio Sojo” Conservatory. He studied in the class of Professor William Alvarado at the “Simón Bolívar” Conservatory in Caracas. After moving to Spain, thanks to scholarships from the Spanish National Bank and the “Mozarteum” Foundation of Venezuela, Machado studied at the Royal Conservatory of Music “Queen Sofía” in the class of Alfredo Kraus. In 1996, he made his operatic debut in Caracas with “L’elisir d’amore,” and that same year he had his European debut in “Macbeth” at the theater of the Canary Islands. His career has been steadily rising with performances in the most renowned opera houses.

Pianist Andreja Naunov, who accompanied tenor Aquiles Machado, is a recipient of national awards in chamber music and piano. He has also performed numerous solo recitals and has appeared with the Macedonian Philharmonic and the orchestra of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet. Among his notable performances are tours with pianist and his professor Simon Trpčeski.