“Quinteto Adriatico” for classical music lovers at “Ohrid Summer”

The music program of the “Ohrid Summer” festival continues tonight with a concert by the “Quinteto Adriatico,” in  “St. Sophia” at the standard festival time of 9 PM.

The “Quinteto Adriatico” ensemble is a new project by Italian pianist Federico Lovato, Croatian cellist Latica Anić, and Croatian-Macedonian double bassist and longtime collaborator of the “Ohrid Summer” festival, Iljin-Dime Dimovski.

The quintet is the result of over 20 years of collaboration between Lovato and Dimovski. Through their participation and collaboration in the “San Marco” Foundation orchestra and the “Solisti in Villa” string orchestra in Portogruaro (Italy), they have performed at the “Santa Cecilia” festival in musical partnerships with numerous renowned musicians. In constant search of new challenges and quality joint performances, they contacted the fantastic cellist Latica Anić, who is building an international career as a soloist and pedagogue at the Academy in Liechtenstein, as well as Macedonian violinist Frosina Bogdanovska, who is the concertmaster of the orchestra in Klagenfurt. Together, she and Dimovski are longtime collaborators in international ensembles such as the “No Borders” orchestra and the “Ignaz Fuchs” ensemble. The final member of the quintet is the talented violist Dagmar Korbar, winner of this year’s “Papandopulo” competition, section leader of the violas in the Netherlands Philharmonic, and assistant professor at the Music Academy in Zagreb.

Joining them as a guest for this concert is Macedonian pianist Jana Pavlovska Molc, who lives and works in the USA.