The Zagreb Youth Theater from Croatia tonight at the Ohrid Summer Festival carries the theater performance “Huddersfield” by Uglješa Šajtinec, directed by Rene Medvezek. The play will be played at the Culture Center “Grigor Prlichev” starting at 9 pm.
“Huddersfield” is gloomy, poignant, and the wit is ordered for a thirty-year-old generation who experiences the effects of the war and sees no future ahead of him.

Returning one of the characters in his native town of West Yorkshire in Zrenjanin, and in the Croatian version in Karlovac, presents the possibility of setting this story in any city in the southern European countries in transition and transition to so-called capitalism. With this change, the characters believe that the paradise of the earth begins, and wars, tycoons, crime, unemployment and stomach cramps arise. From these countries, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others, thousands of young people today leave every day, we do not know where, not wanting to turn back, and those who remain here live a life of constant disappointment and discontent.
“You see, Huddersfield sounds to me in the sun” – in this simple sentence, which at the end of the play is pronounced by one of the protagonists, is a whole brutal but incredibly porous world.
The plays in the play are played by Dado Cosic, Adrian Pezric, Mateo Vick, Damir Shaban, Philip Nola, Bernard Tomic and Tina Orlandini.
The adaptation and dramaturgy of the play was made by Tomislav Zajec, the scenery is NavTana Lacko, and the costumes were made by Doris Krstic.
Uglješa Šajtinec is one of the most significant contemporary Serbian playwrights, a recipient of numerous awards including the European Prize for Literature, and the Studiy Huddersfield Prize in 2005. The aforementioned theater performance was also set in the Yugoslav Drama Theater (JDP) in Belgrade and with ten years of existence of the repertoire and view, gained cult status, as well as the eponymous film that was rewarded several times.