Kliment Todoroski – violin; Marija Vrshkova – piano, North Macedonia

Kliment Todoroski – violin


Kliment Todoroski is born in 1984 in Ohrid, Macedonia and starts his primary music education

in Ohrid and Bitola continuing to study at the National Conervatoire for music in Toulouse-

France in the class of respected Macedonian violinist Blagoja Dimcevski, and graduates from the Faculty of Music in Skopje in the class of prof. Oleg Kontradenko. Todoroski has participated in master classes and competitions in Slovenia, Russia, Romania, Serbia and France and is a winner of numerous state and international prizes among which Third prize at the “Petar Konjovic” violin competition in Belgrade, second prize at the “Cornelia Bronzeti “competition in Romania and first and special prize at the “Ohrid pearls“competition in his hometown. As a soloist he has performed with the Macedonian philharmonic, the chamber and symphonic orchestras of the Faculty of Music in Skopje, has played in the chamber orchestra in Toulouse and Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse. His other notable appearances include the Macedonian concert tour with world famous pianist Simon Trpceski, the Easter concert in 2008 and the performance at the UN headquarters in New York at the invitation of the president Srgjan Kerim. He was also the soloist of the concert conducted by child prodigy Ilych Rivas in Skopje in 2009 playing the Mendelssohn violin concerto. Also, he collaborated with the composer Marjan Necak and recorded violin solos for his contemporary ballet and theatre music made for theatres and ballet companies in Zagreb, Maribor, Novi Sad, Skopje. Since 2009 Kliment Todoroski is the concert master of the orchestra of the Macedonian opera and ballet.


Marija Vrshkova-piano

Born in Bitola, Marija Vrshkova graduated and earned her post-graduate diploma in piano performance at the Faculty of music with a Cum laude distinction in the class of prof. Todor Svetiev. During her studies she has received numerous prizes at state and international competitions, including third prize at the competition for young pianists in Rome. She has attended many masterclasses in Macedonia and abroad and has been selected to participate in the Jeunesses Musicales International World orchestra several times having the opportunity to work with acclaimed soloists and conductors. As an accompanist, Vrshkova has been featured on the CD’s of Blerim Grubi, Anna and Oleg Kondratenko, Strasho Temkov and in 2010 she publishes her first CD with music by Macedonian composers. As a soloist and chamber musician she has performed in Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Ukraine, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, USA, Serbia and Greece. Vrshkova is among the few Macedonian artists that regularly appear on all Macedonian festivals including Ohrid Summer Festival, Days of Macedonian music, Golden Lyra, Autumnal music festivities etc. She has been recognized for her exceptional artistic qualities with the award by the International competition “Ohrid pearls” for best piano accompanist in 2009 and has received 3 “VIRTUOSO” awards one in the category solo performer in 2013 and two prizes (in 2015 and 2016) in the category chamber ensemble. She is a docent at the Faculty of music in Skopje.




Grieg: Sonata op. 45 C minor


                                                Allegro molto ed appassionato

                                                Allegretto espressivo alla Romanza

                                                Allegro animato



Rimsky-Korsakoff: Sheherezade

(arr. L. Baich/M. Fletzberger)


          The Sea and Sindbad’s Ship

                                                The Tale of the Prince Kalender

                                                The Young Prince and the Young Princess

                                                The Festival at Baghdad

                                                The Sea – The Shipwreck

Frolov: Concert fantasy on themes from Gershwin’s  “Porgy and Bess” op. 19


08 Aug 2024


21:00 - 21:00




Church St. Sophia


Church St. Sophia
Car Samoil 88, Ohrid 6000

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