Art Exhibition “Kaliope” Women in the society, culture and science

Austrian women have often been forgotten, ignored or marginalised in the official history of their country. This fact only enhances the importance of this exhibition which aims at presenting the last 200 years of significant Austrian women that with their talent, willpower and courage have enriched the history of their country. Acknowledging the void that is in some part scandalous, this exhibition honours the lives and work of individuals that make half of Austrian spiritual identity. Chronologically this exhibition recapitulates the life stories of aristocrats, artists, housewives, scientists, woman right’s activists, politicians, actresses, musicians, directors and many other women. The timeline spans from the 19th century to current days, and the red thread is the emancipation of women with all its victories and defeats.

Through history, and in many cultures, women have created art which has been unjustly forgotten or they haven’t been credited for. In the history of art women are portrayed as passive muses, their creativity and talent overshadowed by their male colleagues. However, this passive presence as object in the works of art created by males will change when brave women take the stance and actively participate in the creation of art. This will give art a female perspective and this change of paradigm is visible even in the period when the first Macedonian academic artists such as Katja Eftimova, Keraca Nikolova, Lena Stefanova i Borka Avramova stand at the forefront of this transformative movement. By crossing the lines in the male dominated world, they establish themselves as pioneers of the contemporary art scene in Macedonia.

A group of female visionaries used their paints and brushes as instruments of change, surpassing the barriers of society and creating a place for their art in the male dominated art world. With their pioneering presence not only did the artistic landscape dramatically change, but it served as an invitation to other female artists to join the movement, thus diversifying the Macedonian contemporary art scene.


18 Jul 2024




Centre for culture ”Grigor Prlichev“ Small stage


Centre for culture ”Grigor Prlichev“ Small stage

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