Youth Podium

Ivana Maznejkova-piano

Ivana Maznejkova (b. 2006) is currently studying piano at the Conservatory for arts in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She was born in Strumica and her first piano lessons come from her parents Lenche and Zoran Maznejkovi professors at the Music school in Strumica. For her secondary music education Ivana moves to Shtip and studies with prof. Slavcho Velichkov while regularly participating in masterclasses led by Simon Trpceski, Natalia Trull, Andreas Frulich, Hajdi Elzeser, Elena Dikova, Aleksandar Serdar, Kristina Svetieva etc. Ivana had her first public appearance at the age of 3 and has since performed at over 190 concerts in Europe  (Italy, France, Austria, Netherlands, Slovenia,Germany…) and Macedonia. Her repertoire features works from all periods and has presented them in over 17 recitals other concerts in prestigious halls such as Bozart in Brussels, Mozarteum in Salzburg, Casa Verdi in Milan, Guild in Riga, the Chamber hall of the Paris Philharmonic, the Macedonian Philharmonic etc.. Ivana Maznejkova has competed in many national and international piano competitions and has won 44 first and special prizes. Since 2023 he is scholarship holder by the Netherladns government.

In 2022 together with her sister Ana, Ivana recorded her first CD of electroacoustic music for piano and mixed medium composed by Ana Pandevska.


Ana Maznejkova-piano

Ana Maznejkova is born in Strumica in 2010 and is currently going in 8th grade at the Music school “Boro Dzoni” in the class of her mother prof. Lenche  Maznejkova. She has taken part in seminars and masterclasses led by established professors and pianist including Simon Trpceski, Natalia Trull, Andreas Frulich, Ruben Dalibaltyan, Hajdi Elzeser, Elena Dikova, Aleksandar Serdar and many more. She has started learning piano with her parents Lenche and Zoran Maznejkov and her first public appearance was at the age of three at one of the school concerts. From that first performance she has to date appeared at more the 145 concerts, at festivals and competitions in Macedonia and abroad and has conquered repertoire of more then 170 works for solo piano and piano four hands. She has performed in 10 countries in Europe Italy, Belgium, France, UK, Austria, Serbia, Georgia,Hungary, Bulgaria, Kosovo). She has won numerous awards at national and international competitions including 28 first and special prizes at international competitions in Paris, Brussels, Milan, London, Vienna, Salzburg, Belgrade, Sofia, Budapest, Rimini, Treviso, Pristina, Bitola,Skopje etc. In 2022 together with her sister Ivana, Ana records her first CD of electroacoustic music for piano and fixed medium composed by Ana Pandevska. Ana Maznejkova has appeared at the Days of Macedonian music festival, at Piano City in Novi Sad, at the manifestation “Days of European Skopje” and the cycle of concerts “Free Wednesday” organized by JM Macedonia (in 2022, 2023 and 2024).


Pamela Velkova-violin

Pamela Velkova is born in 1999 in Shtip. After studying violin with prof. Borjanka Trajkova at the music school “Sergej Mihajlov” in Shtip and finishing as valedictorian in her class, she graduates from the Faculty of music in the class of prof. Oleg Kondratenko in 2024.

During her studies she has taken part in numerous national and international competitions winning many first and special prizes. Her performances as soloist with the Macedonian philharmonic in 2018, 2021 and 2022 are of special importance, and so is her solo performance at the concert with the works of Bete Ilin in 2023 where she performed under the baton of Rebecca Tong.  Pamela Velkova has performed at “Violin Fest”, Musica viva, Ohrid and Skopje summer festivals, Days of Macedonian music festival, Autumnal music festivities, as well as abroad. With the trio “Divine” she performed in Larache, Morocco. Since 2022 she is a musicians in the F.A.M.E.S recording orchestra and regularly takes part in the seminars organized by Fames Institute.  She is also member of the Chamber orchestra of JMM “Sasha Nikolovski -Gjumar”, Nonet +, chamber orhcestras “Ajga” and “Profundis”.





  1. S. Bach: Prelude and fugue G sharp minor WTK1, BWV 863


  1. V. Beethoven: Piano sonata no. 8 C minor op. 13 “Pathetique”

Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio


  1. Chopin: Etude op. 10 no. 12 C minor “Revolutionary”


  1. Chopin: Polonaise C sharp minor op. 26 no. 1


Performed by Ana Maznejkova


  1. Davitashvili: Khorumi


  1. Chopin: Berceuse op. 57 D flat major


  1. Chopin: Ballade no. 1 G minor op. 23


                                                           Performed by Ivana Maznejkova



  1. Prokofiev: Sonata No.2 in D major Op.94a


                                                            Presto – Poco più mosso del – Tempo I


                                                            Allegro con brio



  1. Ysaye: Sonata No.3 in D minor Op.27 “Ballade”


Performed by Pamela Velkova and Dominika Robe


11 Jul 2024




Church St. Sophia


Church St. Sophia
Car Samoil 88, Ohrid 6000

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