85 years since the birth of composer Tomislav Zografski
The year 2019 marks 85 years since the birth of composer Tomislav Zografski (1932-2000).
One of the pillars of the Macedonian composing tradition and author of over 150 compositions, Tomislav Zografski is an important link in the creation of the Macedonian contemporary music language, not only because of his own works, but even more so because of the influence he has had on several generations of composers through his pedagogical work at the Faculty of music in Skopje where he held the positions of Dean and Vice Dean.
Zografski’s works have been performed in the US, Russia, South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Italy and in all cultural centers of former Yugoslavia. He is the recipient of two prizes for Life achievements and a number of awards for his individual works and film music. Several CD’s include compositions by Zografski, and musicologist Marko Kolovski has published a monograph book about the life and work of this prolific composer.
Tomislav Zografski’s works can be found in musical libraries in prestigious music institutions in Poland, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Switzerland, Serbia and China.
On the concert marking 85 years of the composer’s birth, his works will be performed by acclaimed Macedonian instrumentalists:
Marija Gjoshevska-pianoElena Atanasovska-Ivanovska-pianoMarija Vrshkova-pianoDanica Stojanova-pianoMarjan Miloshevsi-bassoonRisto Gjorevski-clarinetBiljana Kamcheva- fluteZografski string quartet