Multimedia project by Dragan Spaseski Ohridski ”I am calm as a hill top… I don’t ask why I am I have gotten so high”
Dragan Spaseski Ohridski was born in 1960 and is a medical doctor- orthopedic surgeon by profession. In 2019 he celebrates a 30 year jubilee since his first multimedia project entitled Apocalyptic narcissus in 1989.
Up to date he has created the following multimedia projects: Apocalyptic narcisuss (1989), Everything trembles (1996), Closer to the sun and love, the darkness hurts less (1999), Vibration, creation perfect relation (2001), Ohrid angels (2003), Look inside you (2004), Three points (2008), Ohrid pearls of wisdom (2010), Bitola trilogy (2011), A man is a flutter… and the angel is a flutter… and you my God… (2017). Almost all of his multimedia works include exhibitions of paintings combined with a book promotion with the same title, while some also include architectonic and interior design creations.
Spaseski’s latest project has a title in the form of a haiku poem:
I am calm as a hill top…I don’t ask whyI am so high
The 30 year jubilee is a selection of his most important art and poetry works and it also involves a new multimedia project.
Dragan Spaseski Ohridski brings together three large themes of painting in which every single one brings its own spiritual character, its history and characteristics. He is the only author in North Macedonia, and one of the few in the world that brings together the religious, erotic and fantastic aspects, creating new expressions while deeply aware that most modern and postmodern artists have a completely detached interest when spirituality comes into question.
This is painting that leans towards realism when the subject matter is a portrait, and associative symbolism when works are more figurative.