The multimedia spectacle “Vivaldiano” will mark the 57th birthday of “Ohrid Summer”

With the musical-scenic spectacle “Vivaldiano”, the 57th anniversary of the festival “Ohrid Summer” will be celebrated tonight at the Antique Theater.

This multimedia mega project presents a timeless blend of artistic performance of 16 prominent musicians of different styles. They will perform Vivaldi’s classical works based on the Baroque.

According to Suzana Vrencovska, director of Ohrid Summer Festival, it is about unprecedented audio and video equipment that will be set on the stage of the Antique Theater, and in general, at the Ohrid Summer Festival. According to her, the priority of this institution is the housework, the respect of the festival tradition, but also the bringing of projects that will leave a strong impression on the audience.



– Priority at this moment is the realization of the program. “Ohrid Summer” has a team that can handle all challenges. For us, the most important thing is to build the institution’s brand, housekeeping and respect for tradition. This gives us the incentive to continue building the value of this world collection of top artists.
Great is the excitement, but also the obligation to organize the 57 events of this year’s edition, thanks to the new selectors, the music player Gjorgji Cutskovski and the drama selector, Zoran Ljutkov, abounds with top art and attractive new content. Beginning with the opening ceremony of the festival, with the Jazz Quartet Forplej, until today we have realized 33 events, said director Vrencovska.



According to the selector of the music program, Gjorgji Cutkovski, in the basis of the project “Vivaldiano” are the compositions of the remarkable Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, but, as he said, presented in a new exciting way through skillfully joining the casual music with modern elements.

– On this special day for us, on the festival’s birthday we have an attractive offer for a wider range of music lovers. Tonight in the ancient magical Antique theater, here in Ohrid, we will have a unique opportunity to premiere the World Multimedia Mega Project “Vivaldi” in Macedonia. The visual 3D effects and light show additionally contribute to the overall feeling of excitement, said Tsutskovski.



Jakub Schweida, the organizer of the tour of Vivaldi, noted that the Ancient Theater is perhaps the best place to start the project.




– The festival audience will have the opportunity to see the fusion of Vivaldi’s unique creations with rock energy … We will offer visitors a three-dimensional journey through the music, with the performance of top artists from the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and from around the world, peppered with a unique stage performance Between two video presentations, said Schweida.



На денешната прес-конференција, традиционално, беше пресечена роденденската торта за 57-то „Охридско лето“. Роденденот се одбележува на четврти август зашто на тој ден пред 57 години  во црквата „Света Софија“ , оперската дива Ана Липша Тофовиќ го одржа првиот концерт пред фестивалската публика.
Директорката Вренцовска потсети дека многу луѓе, на фестивалската сцена оставиле свој белег и се заслужни за успесите на оваа најреномирана музичко-сценска манифестација во регионот.
– Охридско лето носи околу 1000 уметници, актери, театарски работници, солисти, хористи, музичари… од сите земји во светот. Над 20 000 посетители, љубители на уметноста, од целиот свет доаѓаат да уживаат на врвните музички и театарски настани..  Тоа е доволен показател дека нудиме квалитет во градењето на успешните фестивалски изданија.Четврти август, денот кога започна „Охридско лето“ изминатите години стана симбол за неповторлив настан, додаде Вренцовска.




The “Ohrid Summer” Festival since 1994 is a regular member of the European Association of Festivals. It is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture, and is held under the auspices of the President of the State.