“Ohrid Summer” brought a powerful, virtuoso play on harp

The world renowned virtuoso of the harp, Emmauel Sayson from France, had an impressive performance in the church “St. Sophia” in Ohrid, within the frames of the Ohrid Summer Festival.

Со неговата моќна, виртуозна игра на харфа, Сејсон ги отстрани сите клишеа поврзани со неговиот инструмент. Преку неговиот „заразен“ ентузијазам и безграничната енергија, младиот уметник ја откри харфата во сета своја пенлива раскош, во свет во кој поезијата е во рима со темпераментот.



– I am very happy to have performed in the church “St. Sophia”, a very peaceful and magical place. The church is magical for concerts. Regarding the repertoire, for the audience of “Ohrid Summer”, I spent the evening a bit different program, from older music, to more modern works. From Bach, through Spurs, to Ronius, Debisi, Foree and Salcedo. It is very impressive to have done the harp in such works, said Emmanuel Sayson.



Since 2005, he has been leading his successful career in some of the most prestigious concert halls such as Wigmore Hall in London, Gaucho’s Salon in Paris, Carnegie Hall in New York, Concerthouse in Vienna, Berlin Philharmonic Hall and many others Regularly performances in recital, concert repertoire and chamber music receive high praise from critics.



– I play for the first time at the festival “Ohrid Summer”, but I heard that it is the most renowned festival with many concerts of sound names from the world of music. Otherwise, in Macedonia I performed three times together with the Macedonian Philharmonic, added Sayson.



– I play for the first time at the festival “Ohrid Summer”, but I heard that it is the most renowned festival with many concerts of sound names from the world of music. Otherwise, in Macedonia I performed three times together with the Macedonian Philharmonic, added Sayson.