Inspirational evening with the artists Janosh Balint and Vladimir Miloshevikj

Yesterday evening the Hungarian flute player Janosh Balint and Serbian pianist Vladimir Miloshevic held an inspirational concert with a carefully chosen repertoire mainly consisting of transcriptions.

They performed at the concert podium in the St Sophia church, playing the “Hungarian pastoral Fantasy” by Doppler, “Sonatina op.100” by Dvorak, the composition “Syrinx for solo flute” by Debussy, “Romanian Dances” by Bartoc, “Meditation” by Massenet and “Carmen fantasy” by Borne.

The carefully chosen repertoire performed with high virtuosity by the artists brouth yet another evening to remember at Ohrid Summer Festival.

-This is my first time performing at Ohrid Summer Festival, but second time in Macedonia. The acoustics is fantastic for all instruments, especially for flute. The ambience in the church is amazing, but also everywhere around the city, said the Hungarian flute player Janosh Balint, who proved to be a topmost artist from the first rows of the artistic elite.

The pianist Miloshevic, who also attracts audiences wherever he performs, did’t hide his pleasure to perform at the Festival.

-This is my second time at the Ohrid Summer Festival, and the pleasure is great, especially because I perform with my friend Janosh Balint, one of the best European flute players. We had a great programme for the audience in Ohrid. Everything is fantastic in Ohrid, the whole atmosphere is dedicated to the Festival and inspires us to enjoy, said the pianist Miloshevic.

His wide repertoire for flute includes more than a thousand works from baroque to contemporary including works written especially for him. These pieces include concertos, works with orchestra, with strings, guitar, harp, piano, and voice and to make this wide repertory even richer he often makes his own transcriptions. In 2008 Janos Balint was awarded the highest Hungarian recognition for musical performance, the Franz Liszt-prize by the Ministry of Culture and Education of Hungary.

One of the most prominent Serbian pianists of his generation, Vladimir Milošević s graduated from the University of Arts in Belgrade, where he studied with Prof. Nevena Popović. After finishing his postgraduate studies with Popović, he continued with his specialist studies in Italy. He is а Professor of Piano at the University of Arts in Belgrade.