Within the frames of the drama program of Ohrid Summer, today will be performed the puppet show “Toby” by Florian Zdenek, directed by Dragoslav Todorovic. The play will be performed by actors from the Children and Youth Theater from Skopje, at the Grigor Prlichev Cultural Center starting at 19:00.
The Children and Youth Theater prepared a really specific fairy tale deeply motivated by pure human understanding. This is a story about a dog Toby, who is ashamed of his appearance. Toby passes the path of cognition one great truth.
-There is something, especially among young people, that looks like an unsurpassable obstacle. In those years you are not at all satisfied with your own appearance. However, if you have a friend like Mrs. Flora, you, like Toby, will look from a completely different happy corner with the help of friends, says director of the play, Dragoslav Todorovic.
Despite this essential aspect of children’s drama, it reads and reveals really still current problems in people: inexplicable desire to change their own appearance, discrimination on various grounds, physical, social, racial, etc. In any case, the most important thing is for us to be happy ourselves and to be accepted with what we are carrying with what we have to offer to this world. The audience will be able to see really rich, cheerful and witty-designed dolls that skillfully driven by the actors will bring a lot of freshness and play in the children’s eyes.