information of public interest
Requests for access to information of public interest could be submitted in the given Request Form (given below) or in an ordinary place of paper, but the requester has to make a note that the document is a Request based on the Law on Free access to public information. The requester can get information for all questions related to obtaining the right for free access to information of public interest from the official: Suzana Vrencovska / telephone No. 076231010 and email
- Law on Free access to information of public interest
- Guidelines for execution of the Law
- Form for Request for free access to information of public interest –
word format - Form – appeal – word format
Information about the
Full name: Republic of North
National Institution Ohridsko
Leto Ohrid
Short Name: NI Ohridsko Leto
Activity and code: “Activities
of bodies for cultural events” code 90.04
ЕМБС: 4006577
ЕДБ: 4020974108211
Address: 4 Partizanska Str Ohrid
telephone: +389 46 262 304
Responsible person: director
Anita Aloska, MA
· Organizational structure of NI
Ohridsko Leto – List of employees
- Закон за култура
- Колективен договор за култура
- Исправка на Колективен договор за култура
- Кодекс за административни службеници
- Методологија за спроведување на функционална анализа
- Статут на НУ Охридско лето
- Решение за согласност на Статутот на НУ Охридско лето
- Правилник за внатрешна организација со органограм
- Правилник за систематизација
- Измена на Правилник за систематизација
Susana Vrencovska
Official person for mediating public information
Ul. Partizanska no. 4, Ohrid
+389 76 231 010